Video game development is rarely about one man, but if it was, then Terence Groening should certainly get a mention for his contributions to the genre as the man responsible for the physics of Sportscar GT, EA’s PC F1 and NASCAR games of the early 2000’s, rFactor, rFactor 2 and every title and rFpro simulator that spawned from ISI’s engine.
This interview with RSC details his early life and career, through to him joining iRacing in 2021.
As a direct ancestor of iRacing, the ‘Grand Prix Legends engine’ had multiple stock car racing false starts, before eventually releasing as NASCAR Racing 4. The original NASCAR 3, cancelled and replaced by one that used NASCAR 2’s engine, is barely remembered.
Reiza Studios sneakily released a final final hotfix for their final update for Automobilista on Tuesday. It covers all issues since the last final hotfix update.
I’m amusing myself with a joke about it, but frankly it’s awesome to see them still trying to perfect a title they’ve already moved focus away from.
– Added a hardcoded SteeringFFBMult value so a car will still have Force Feedback even if value is missing or zeroed in its physics file
– Fixed fanatec DD base features initialization in compatibility mode
– Fixed centering spring on game startup for Logitech wheels & small adjustments to rotation range method
– Fixed Fanatec wheel rumble being turned off in wrong way
– Donington: Switched off collision for pit building roof so Trucks won´t be stuck
– Snetterton: Fixed crash in AMS Dedi loading Snetterton 300; Fixed filters so track will be available for FTruck series; Small graphical and object updates
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