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iRacing have deployed an update for the recent release that fixes a few issues and adds the Papyrus ‘Coca-Cola Superspeedway’. A lot of people are calling it a relic from NASCAR Racing 2003 Season, but it was actually first seen the year before:

Here is the iRacing trailer for the new content:



– Scrollbars have been updated.
– – A new look, and the main window scrollbar has been inset slightly from the right-hand frame of the application window so you can click & drag it more easily.

– Scrolling performance has been optimized.

– A direct link to the Membersite Forums has been added to the sidebar menu.
– – The link previously found under the Helmet menu has been removed.

– Fixed an issue where some windows could jitter slightly.


– The cross-license icon will now only appear on events which are cross-license.

Race Now

– Fixed two issues with the action button for each event in the Schedule Tab of a Series:
– – They now correctly say “Drive Now” instead of “Race Now”.
– – They now correctly utilize the associated week’s content for both the Test Drive and Create a Hosted Race options instead of always using the current week’s content.

3D Car Viewer

– Fixed an issue where the 3D Car Viewer could malfunction when UI Scaling was set to any value other than 100%.

– Fixed an issue where the 3D Car Viewer would display in an incorrect color space when displayed on an HDR screen.


– Fixed an issue where users were not being allowed to join a Session if they did now own all cars in the car class being used. Users need only own at least one car in the car class being used in order to join that Session.


Oculus Rift

– Fixed an issue where the iRacing UI was causing Oculus Home to start.


iRacing Superspeedway

– – A relic from an older computer age has been reborn!
– – – Enjoy a trip down memory lane and a piece of sim racing’s heritage with iRacing Superspeedway, making its debut on iRacing for the first time just in time for the 2021 season. First conceived as a fictional arena for previous-generation NASCAR Cup Series cars to run without restrictor plates, reaching speeds much higher than they would in the real world, this refreshed version of the circuit brings it to life for iRacing’s entire fleet of diverse racing machines. Spanning three miles in length and with massive banking of more than 30 degrees in the turns, iRacing Superspeedway requires a lead foot and precise inputs to master. It’s all about keeping the wheel as straight as possible to maximize your speed, and staying in the draft during the race. But as with any superspeedway, one wrong move can be the end of the race for you—and a huge group of your competitors.
– – Add iRacing Superspeedway to your digital landscape from the iRacing Store here:

Irwindale Speedway

– (Figure Eight and Figure Eight Jump) – Some gain-time checkpoints have been added to prevent significant course cutting.

Limaland Motorsports Park

– Some gain-time checkpoints have been added to prevent course cutting at Turn 4.

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Back from the ashes since July, 2019. First created in 2001 with the merger of Legends Central (founded 1999) and

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