Shortly after the release of Grand Prix Legends the sim racing community looked forward to another title that promised to offer a similar insight into historic racing. Trans-Am Racing ’68-’72 ultimately never released, a victim of a publishers shady dealings, but as a part of my research I uncovered a VHS of a never-released trailer for the game. Watch the trailer and read about what sim racing missed out on.
Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.
Most famous for their miniatures and board games, this American studio branched out into software development and produced a small number of driving experiences for both PC and console in the early 2000’s, including licensed products for the Hooters restaurant brand.
Their only sim, Hooters Pro Cup Racing, used the Sports Car GT engine by Image Space Incorporated.
HPCR is a simulation of the Hooters Pro Cup (now known as the CARS Tour).