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SMS have announced they reached €1.6m in funding on WMD for Project Cars in a celebration press release:

Slightly Mad Studios celebrates the One Year Anniversary of WMD and Project CARS!

11th October 2012 – Slightly Mad Studios, London, England

Back in October of 2011 Slightly Mad Studios launched the World of Mass Development platform – a revolutionary new way to develop games that gave players a backstage pass to see them being made on a day to day basis, allowed them to talk to the team directly, and play regular iterations of the game based on their membership.

Now, one year on, we’re pleased to say that both the platform and the first title to be developed using it – Project CARS – are celebrating their first birthday!

Since we launched, the WMD Portal now has over 80,000 members who have contributed a staggering €1.6m. There have been over a quarter of a million posts in the forums, thousands of screenshots taken, and over a hundred trailers made by the passionate community over there. Not to mention the invaluable feedback we’ve received from polls & bug reports, the amazing work people have done creating custom vehicle liveries, the reference material gathered off their own backs for cars and tracks, the fan sites & Facebook groups created, the people and organizations members have put us in contact with, and the ongoing support that we continue to see each and every day. To the WMD family, the team give you a huge thank you – Project CARS is on target to be the most realistic, beautiful, authentic, and exciting racing game out there and it wouldn’t be possible without you, the drivers.

If you want to go behind the scenes and see how a game gets made, talk to the devs, and play it before it’s released, head over to and register to become a member today!

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Back from the ashes since July, 2019. First created in 2001 with the merger of Legends Central (founded 1999) and

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