
As a direct ancestor of iRacing, the ‘Grand Prix Legends engine’ had multiple stock car racing false starts, before eventually releasing as NASCAR Racing 4. The original NASCAR 3, cancelled and replaced by one that used NASCAR 2’s engine, is barely remembered.

Video game development is full of names that have made groundbreaking steps you’ve never even heard about. Shawn Nash is a behind-the-scenes pioneer responsible for SODA Off Road Racing’s incredible physics, Papyrus’ graphical advancements and iRacing’s use of laser scan data for the physical track surfaces.

This interview with RSC, published in 2021, details his early life and career, through both his own company, Papyrus, Electronic Arts, to his time at iRacing.


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The demo of Grand Prix 3 has been released. It comes in at a whopping 118MB download so not really friendly for dial-up users. As the demo readme (quoted below) is dated months ago I am unsure if this will include the changes in the upcoming patch.

Demo - 118MB


Grand Prix 3 – Demo
Readme File (English) 01 August, 2000


DirectX 7.0 is required to play Grand Prix 3 on your system. If you do not have DirectX 7.0 installed, you may download it from the Microsoft DirectX web site at www.microsoft.com/directx.

You are now playing a demo version of Grand Prix 3 by Geoff Crammond, the best and most realistic Formula One driving game ever according to “The Times”, “Autosport” and “PC Gamer” amongst many others.

The full version of Grand Prix 3 is on sale now at all good game stores featuring force feedback, weather effects, and all the tracks and teams from the full Formula One World Championship!

1. Video cards successfully tested on & supported
2. Video Card Drivers
3. Processors successfully tested on & supported
4. 3D performance
5. Customer Support
6. Licence Agreement
7. Credits

1. Video cards successfully tested on & supported

3Dfx Voodoo2
3Dfx Voodoo3 3000 AGP
3Dfx Voodoo3 3500 AGP
3Dfx Voodoo3 3000 PCI
3Dfx Voodoo3 2000 PCI
3Dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP
3Dfx Voodoo Banshee
ATI Rage 128
ATI Rage Pro AGP 2x (Software)
ATI Rage Fury
ATI Rage Fury Maxx
NVidia GeForce256
NVidia GeForce256 DDR
NVidia GeForce 2 GTS
NVidia Riva TNT
NVidia Riva TNT2 & Ultra
NVidia Riva TNT2 M64
Matrox Millenium G200
Matrox Millenium G400 Dualhead
Matrox Millenium G400 MAX
3DLabs Permedia3 Create!
PowerVR Series2 (Neon250)
Impact Video + MPEG2 Decoder 6Mb (Software)
TSeng Labs ET6000 2Mb (Software)
3D Image 9750 4Mb (Software)
Creative Exxtreme (Permedia 2) 8Mb (Software)
Cirrus Logic 5464 (Laguna3D) 1Mb (Software)
S3 Virge DX 375 4Mb (Software)

Grand Prix 3 requires the latest video drivers, available from your hardware manufacturer’s web site. Please see below for internet links to hardware manufacturers’ web sites.

2. Video Card Drivers

You can download these drivers from the Internet. If you are experiencing problems with Grand Prix 3, look for your video card below to find the Web address where you can download the appropriate drivers.

Creative Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT
Creative Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT2 & Ultra
Creative Graphics Blaster Annihilator & DDR

Guillemot MAXI Gamer 2
Guillemot MAXI Gamer Xentor / MAXI Gamer Xentor 32
Guillemot 3D Prophet & DDR

Matrox MGA Millennium series
Matrox MGA Mystique series
Matrox Millennium G400 & G400 Max

ATI 3D Rage Pro
ATI Rage II+
ATI 3D Rage 128
ATI 3D Rage Fury Maxx

Orchid Righteous 3D 2

Diamond Monster 3D 2
Diamond Monster Fusion
Diamond Viper series


PowerVR Series 2 (Neon250)

3Dfx reference drivers (for all Voodoo cards – recommended)

NVidia reference drivers (for all NVidia chipset based cards – recommended)

3. Processors successfully tested on & supported

Intel Pentium II
Intel Pentium III
Intel Celeron
AMD K6-2 3DNow! (via DirectX7)
AMD K6-3 3DNow! (via DirectX7)
AMD K7/Athlon 3DNow! (via DirectX7)

4. 3D performance

The game’s 3D performance will vary from configuration to configuration, but there are many options available in-game to allow the user to get the best compromise between performance and gameplay.

During a race, you can find out your “Processor Occupancy” rating by pressing the “O” key. This figure is given as a percentage. It is important that this figure is kept as close to (or below) the 100% mark as possible – anything higher and the game physics will be compromised and gameplay will suffer. Here are some tips for lowering the occupancy:-

– Run the game in a lower resolution
– Switch off some of the textures used in-game, starting with the mirrors
– Turn off some of the trackside objects
– Lower the frame rate setting

If you are trying to run in 3D hardware mode, some video cards may not perform as well as others, so it is recommended that you try running in software 3D mode, as performance may be improved.

5. Customer Support

If you have problems and require assistance you can contact our Customer Services on:

Phone: +44 (0) 1454 893900 (Hours of operation: 0900-1730 GMT/BST, Monday to Friday)
Fax: +44 (0) 1454 894296
Email: support@hiuk.com
Address: Hasbro Interactive (Europe) Customer Services
The Ridge, Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire, BS37 6BN, England, UK

Sweden only:
Phone: 0858 77 04 24*

Denmark only:
Phone: 38 487 134*

Finland only:
Phone: 0800 11 44 99*

Norway only:
Phone: 23 16 21 36*

*Please note that you may be assisted by English speaking Customer Services staff.

Australia only:
If you have problems and require assistance you can contact the Hasbro Interactive Customer Services Hotline on:

Phone: 1902 262 667*
Email: support@hiuk.com

*Calls are charged at $1.50 per minute. A higher rate applies to mobile and public phones. If you decide to telephone our Customer Services, please try to be sitting in front of your computer and have a pen and paper at the ready. Before contacting us, please try to have the following information ready so that we may help you more efficiently:

* The name of the product.
* The make and model of your computer.
* The processor and its speed.
* Any peripherals attached to the computer.
* The graphics card, driver date and version.
* The sound card, driver date and version.
* The version of Windows or Mac OS you are using.
* Total memory installed.
* The exact error message (if any).
* For Windows users, the version of DirectX installed.
* The type of CD-ROM drive.
* For Windows users, the total system resources free before running the program.
* The name of any programs running in the background.

If you decide to email our Customer Services, to ensure a prompt reply please summarise your issues as concisely as you can, giving details, as above, of the product, the problem or error and any circumstances that you feel relevant and your particular computer system.

Web Sites

At MicroProse, it is a priority to ensure that you have everything you need to get the best out of your product. In fact, our web sites are designed to enhance your playing or learning experience and not just be there to help if you have a problem. Therefore, MicroProse has a full and exciting web site dedicated to ensuring you can see the latest information, obtain technical support, download the latest upgrade, read the latest hints and tips and a great deal more. You can reach the site at:


For more information on forthcoming and existing products from MicroProse, please visit our main site at:



1. Licence
The software and all images, photography, animations, video, audio, music and text contained on the enclosed CD-ROM and this manual, (together, ‘the Product’) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights which are owned by or licensed to Hasbro Interactive Limited of 2 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UB11 1AZ, UK (‘Hasbro’).

Hasbro grants to you as the original purchaser of this Product a non-transferable right to use the Product for your own personal and private use and not in connection with any business activity. Unless otherwise permitted by law, no part of this Product may be copied, reproduced, translated, modified, decompiled or reduced into any electronic or other form without the prior written consent of Hasbro. You may not rent or lease, or sell or transfer copies of the Product or any part of it.

2. Warranty
Hasbro warrants to you only that for a period of ninety days from purchase the Product will perform substantially in accordance with the specifications set out in this manual and that the original CD-ROM disk itself will be free from defects in materials and workmanship.

During this period the Product, if defective, will be replaced free of charge if returned to Hasbro at Caswell Way, Newport, Gwent, NP9 0YH, together with a dated proof of purchase, a brief description of the defect and the address to which it is to be returned. Any replacement will be warranted for a further 90 day period. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights in any way.

This warranty does not apply to defects caused by misuse, neglect, incorrect installation, damage, alteration, repair or excessive wear.

3. Liability
Except as stated at 2 above, all conditions, warranties, terms, representations and undertakings express or implied, statutory or otherwise, in respect of the Product are expressly excluded.

Hasbro’s liability to you shall under no circumstances exceed the original retail price of the Product and Hasbro does not accept liability for any indirect or consequential damage or loss (even if it is aware that the possibility of such damage or loss) including lost profits or revenues, or for any damages, costs or loss incurred as a result of loss of time or data or from any other cause.

Nothing set out above shall limit or exclude the Hasbro’s liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence or any other liability not capable of exclusion or limitation by law.

If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you should immediately return the Product to Hasbro at Caswell Way, Newport, Gwent, NP9 OYH, UK, together with a dated proof of purchase, for a full refund.

7. Credits

Game Design & Programming
Geoff Crammond

Menu Design & Additional Programming
Pete Cooke

Circuit Topography
Norman Surplus

Performance Analysis & Test Driving
David Surplus

With special thanks to John Cook

MicroProse MotorSport

Lead Programmer
Nick Thompson

Adrian Scotney
Duncan Rooth
Gareth Jones
Jeremy Sallis
Neil Alford
Simon Michael
Yueai Liu

Lead Artist
Andy Cook

David Smith
Eddie Garnier
Greg Shill
Jeffrey Miranda
Maff Evans
Paul Ayliffe
Paul Truss
Pete Austin

Additional Art
Drew Northcott
Jonathan Rowe

Graphic Design
Jonathan Rowe

Audio Producer
John Broomhall

Additional Sound Design
Darren Lambourne

Sound Programming
Geoff Crammond
Pete Cooke

Deleted lines

Video Production
John Broomhall
Andy Cook
Andy Grierson

“Furious Angels”
Written by Rob Dougan

Published by BMG Music Publishing

Additional Field Recording
Peter Guppy

European Director of Development
Andrew Parsons

Nick Court

Thank you…

AutoSport Magazine
John Cook
Matt Carroll
Laura McNamara
Russell Lewis
Steinberg Software for audio recording systems.
Sutton Motorsport Images
Pete Secchi and the students of the University of Bath for their help with the crowd photography.

Special thanks go to…

The Orange Arrows Formula One Team for all their help during the development of this product.

Support Services

QA Manager
Andrew Luckett

Lead Tester
Daniel Luton

Andrew Coward
Andrew Spratt
Andrew Stainer
Chris Knaggs
Darren Bates
Darren Kirby
Eric Manktelow
Garry Mullett
Jamie Toghill
Lee Evans
Luke Williams
Matt Nation
Nick Thorpe
Paul Coppins
Phil Gilbert
Robert Ward
Tim Stokes

Hardware Compatibility Testing
Alan Clark
Ian Palfrey

PC Technician
Martin Brabham

Localisation Project Manager
Anton Lorton

Localisation Co-Ordinator
Katie Harris

Claude Esmein
Project Synthesis
Peter Bagney
Uli Mühl
Pi Editora
Reintaal, Kees Beentjes

Anke Mittelberg
Emmanuelle Dumas
Benjamin Bazounguissa
Valeria Motterle
Blandine Prost
Rodrigo Amorim

Manual Writers
The Write Stuff
David Surplus
Geoff Crammond

Manual Editor
Bill Martin

Manual Manager
Sam Hart

Manual Co-Ordinator
Jane Corfe

Art Director
Ed du Bois

Customer Services Manager
Caroline de Silva

Customer Services Supervisor
Mark Rich

Technical Advisors
Andy Taylor
Antonio Almaraz
Daniel Lowe
Jon Mayes
Olly Portingale
Warren Rowlands

PA/Administration Supervisor
Christine Upham

Administration Assistants
Alex Nowosielski
Pat Edwards

© 2000 Hasbro Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved. Game Code © 2000 Geoff Crammond. All rights reserved. “An official product of the 1998 FIA Formula One World Championship licensed by Formula One Administration Ltd.”

“Formula One”, “Formula 1”, and “F1”, “FIA Formula One World Championship”, (together with their foreign translations and permutations) are trademarks of the Formula One group of companies.

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Back from the ashes since July, 2019. First created in 2001 with the merger of Legends Central (founded 1999) and simracing.dk.

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