Asobo, known today as the Microsoft Flight Simulator developer, created groundbreaking technology for large scale maps that was intended to be used in a high quality rally raid title. It was never released and ended up as FUEL, a post-apocalyptic open-world racing game. What happened?
As a direct ancestor of iRacing, the ‘Grand Prix Legends engine’ had multiple stock car racing false starts, before eventually releasing as NASCAR Racing 4. The original NASCAR 3, cancelled and replaced by one that used NASCAR 2’s engine, is barely remembered.
Codemasters and EA have removed DiRT 4 from the Steam store. You can still see the profile page, still install and play it if you own it, but it is no longer sold.
This is such a disappointing trend. As an archivist, someone who wants people to be able to play every sim from every developer from every decade, it makes me extremely sad to see any software removed from sale. I fully understand that some licenses may have been expiring, but I’d absolutely have preferred anything other than this to happen… What a shame.
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