Asobo, known today as the Microsoft Flight Simulator developer, created groundbreaking technology for large scale maps that was intended to be used in a high quality rally raid title. It was never released and ended up as FUEL, a post-apocalyptic open-world racing game. What happened?
Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.
Copa Petrobras de Marcas is a touring car series in Brazil that launched in 2011, showcasing manufactures such as Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Ford and Toyota. Petrobras, a large Brazilian oil company, commissioned Reiza to create Copa Petrobras de Marcas and offered it as a free download to fans of the series.
Copa Petrobras de Marcas uses the isiMotor (rFactor) engine.
You can download templates for the Mitsubishi Lancer GT, Ford Focus, Toyota Corolla, Chevrolet Cruze and the driver suit/helmet right here.