Video game development is rarely about one man, but if it was, then Terence Groening should certainly get a mention for his contributions to the genre as the man responsible for the physics of Sportscar GT, EA’s PC F1 and NASCAR games of the early 2000’s, rFactor, rFactor 2 and every title and rFpro simulator that spawned from ISI’s engine.
This interview with RSC details his early life and career, through to him joining iRacing in 2021.
If you ever played Papyrus’ seminal Grand Prix Legends then you’ve read his name. Rich began working as a tester on NASCAR Racing (1994) and was with Papyrus at the end. In this interview, published in 2022, we discuss his time at the legendary studio and the design of Grand Prix Legends, including initial feelings of hurt at not being asked to join iRacing.
Kunos have released another update for 1.3 that fixes a number of minor issues:
Changelog v1.3.11
Fixed a potential crash when using trackIR with helmet camera.
Added ignition/engine running indicator to speedo/rpm widget.
MFD will now only store its state when HUD is removed from screen (potential fix for stutter when cycling MFD pages after HDD power down)
Fixed currently viewed car label indicating wrong car brand in replay under specific conditions.
Fixed nationality information not transferring correctly for MP opponents in the broadcast HUD.
Broadcast HUD TAB leaderboard now scrolls on mouse input.
Fixed MP car showroom not displaying cars when official filter was selected under specific conditions.
Tyre tearing model fine tuning.
Audi R8 EVO preset setups strategies fixes.
Huracan EVO fine tuning.
Huracan ST Paul Ricard aggressive setup.
Huracan ST preheated tyres fix.
Wet tyres rear radius correction.
Minor rearrangement of the lights and ignition indicators.
Fixed the flash light HUD indicator getting stuck in the Mercedes.
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