Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.
As a direct ancestor of iRacing, the ‘Grand Prix Legends engine’ had multiple stock car racing false starts, before eventually releasing as NASCAR Racing 4. The original NASCAR 3, cancelled and replaced by one that used NASCAR 2’s engine, is barely remembered.
ASR Formula have released an update for their Assetto Corsa mod of the Ferrari F2004. You can grab the mod from their Web site.
Ferrari F2004 – 2004 By ASR Formula
V1.3 (22/03/2024)
Instalation notes:
Copy the content folder inside “AC Files” to your AC directory.
Please, be sure to install our custom driver inside “assettocorsa\content\driver”.Credits:
– 3D Car Model: Raffaele Vercesi (Raff19)
– Skins and Texture: Alessandro Micali (alesanchez)
– 3D Helmet: Ivinu2000
– Sound FX: Simone Rizzo (Simontek27)
– Physics: Alessaandro Micali (alesanchez)ChangeLog 1.6
– Add another Front Wing Type
– Update Shaders and Texture
– Update Skins
– Update Sound
– Update Physics
– Add Extended PhysicsInstall Standard or Extended Physics
– The default physics is extended
– To install the standard physics run the file “install_standard-physics.bat” which is located in the car’s folder.
– To reinstall extended physics, run the file “install_csp-physics.bat” which is present in the car folder.
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