
Video game development is full of names that have made groundbreaking steps you’ve never even heard about. Shawn Nash is a behind-the-scenes pioneer responsible for SODA Off Road Racing’s incredible physics, Papyrus’ graphical advancements and iRacing’s use of laser scan data for the physical track surfaces.

This interview with RSC, published in 2021, details his early life and career, through both his own company, Papyrus, Electronic Arts, to his time at iRacing.

Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.


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Studio 397 have released their Q2 2023 update earlier than usual this time, adding the new Formula E car, updating the software and supplying a massive amount of updates to existing cars and tracks, most notably the historic cars. Full changelogs for software, tracks and cars can be found below the trailer.

About the ABB FIA Formula E – Gen3 Car:

The outstanding Formula E Gen3 car bursts its way onto rFactor 2, with our platform being the only location to experience the highest level of formula electric racing simulation. This newest addition to rFactor 2 is available now over on our Steam Store for only €4.99, which includes the Series’ show-car plus all 11 of the team’s stunning liveries from Season 9 of the ABB FIA World Championship.

The Gen3 car features more power and longevity than its predecessors, making it the fastest Formula E car yet with a top speed over 322 kph / 200 mph. The new design also features around 95% power efficiency from an electric motor delivering up to 350kW of power, the equivalent of 470BHP, compared to approximately 40% for an internal combustion engine.

Furthermore, our ‘Formula E Pack’, available on the Steam Store, has been updated to include the newest version of the Series’ car – with the price increasing minimally to €25. Alongside the vehicles, this pack also includes our 6 Formula E circuits; Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, Rome, Diriyah, and London. These tracks have all received updated trackside branding and sponsorships, which breathes a fresh lease of life into the world famous street circuits in-game.

View this video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pJBYREnHPBM and please consider subscribing to RSC’s channel.



– Fixed assigned Screenshot button not working in UI in Retail
– Fixed Photo Mode depth option not working
– Linked Photo Mode Screenshot Format and Depth saving to player.json setting
– Removed non functional copy to clipboard screenshot player.json setting
– Disallow assigned Screenshot button in Photo Mode
– Allowed toggling of showroom background in Retail (via key 1 or via button).
– Added player.json setting “showroom background” for default state of rendering background.
– Added Sideview UI showroom for taking screenshots of cars for icons.
– Fixed UI resolution not setting correctly when switching from Windowed to Borderless in Game.
– Fixed crash when changing resolution options in VR
– Fixed intermittent crash when installing content

Configuration Application

– Updated Config file to save last used resolution and refresh rate rather than an enumeration of the used mode for more consistent handling of game resolution when adapters change.
– Setup a VR specific config file. This file will copy from the default file on first run of VR.
– Allowed the option to configure multiple files from the config application
– Fixed various inconsistencies in config app where by changing adapter or monitor would lose any previous setting changes
– Fixed windows version reporting in config app
– Updated displaying of PC Specs to show only relevant information in config app
– Removed various unused settings from config file


– Ensured that results files / ai report battery state when it’s the primary energy source
– Various fixes for battery energy consumption


– Updated Dashboard Elements Shader to use IBL Setup for better lighting
– Added LowLumEmissive shader to replace old Dashboard usage on track assets (Start/Pit Lights etc) and in Car LEDs. The game will auto reassign these.
– Updated Cockpit Readout format to allow offsets, to render multiple readouts to the same background
– Added Cockpit Readout Icon format, which can render texture to background, with configurable number of elements, and options to change colours or uvw islands based on value, with options for Fuel, Battery, RPM, TC, TCActive, ABS, ABSLocked
– Added various extra cockpit readouts: FuelLastLap, FuelFinishAverage, BatteryLastLap, BatteryFinishAverage, CurrentLap, Delta, TCSlip, TCCut, BatteryRegenLevel, ElectricMotorMap
– Updated Moddev Tweak Bar displays for new options
– Updated method for sharing if a rain light is active over network, to ensure better consistency when it is used to show in the pit lane, battery regen or due to the weather.
– Enable rain light when battery is harvesting on throttle. Use CockpitInfo.ini params to configure:
RegenLightRequireThrottle=1/0 (requires higher throttle than brake)
RegenLightMinPowerWatts=15000 (requires 15kw regen to show the light)


– Reworked AI throttle behaviour
Less overshooting, more controlled deceleration
Improved acceleration with less wheelspin
Improved corner exits
Eliminated even more sources of oscillation
Improved laptimes for certain vehicles
Pit speed limit won’t be overshot
Stop positions (grid, pit box) will no longer be overshot
– Reworked AI reaction to other vehicles (road courses)
AI will now properly slipstream other vehicles
Overtaking occurs if AI can achieve overlap before the next corner, otherwise the AI will save fuel
Multiclass: Faster classes will no longer slow down when trying to overtake slower classes
Multiclass: Faster classes avoid overtaking unless they can get fully past before the apex
Multiclass: Faster classes will attempt to carry more momentum, and lift off early if no overtaking opportunity exists
AI will now be more cautious when other cars are around
AI can now use more of the space following other cars, for proper drafting behaviour
More cautious when yellow flags are ahead or under FCY
Player and other cars will no longer be rear ended unless a sudden unexpected lane change makes a reaction impossible
When cars ahead are in a fight, AI will now set up for an overtake on corner exit
AI won’t hesitate to go 3-wide if the situation allows for it, but will pull out before the next braking zone if an overtake seems too dangerous
Less incident prone with large grids


– Updated Default HUD with multiple options for different element combinations
– Added Battery State & Usage options, as well as LEDs for P2P and Battery
– Fixed HUD only rendering one gauge correctly
– Added Throttle, Brake and Clutch gauge options to HUD
– Added ability to change text colour in MFD in HUDs


– Added Battery Unit setting (Percent or kW(h))
– Fixed multiplayer joining getting triggered again after changing graphics settings and restarting when joining with +connect

Package Management

– Server now verifies that connected clients own the content they are using


– Map Converter Updates
Now checks for file updates every 500ms.
-f (force all textures to update) command will only run once and exit.
-o (once) command will only run once and exit
DDS files are only copied from source folder on first pass.
Improved output display with more information.
– Mod Dev\Scene Viewer
Added extra lighting debug information for fog and direct light direction
Added toggling of shadow groups via shadow key (U) in scene viewer.
Only allow one instance of the Scene Viewer to be open at a time (fixes issues with accessing Material Editor when previous instance doesn’t exit for some reason).
– Added missing Limit Path option to Static Cameras in Camera Editor
– Material Editor Updates
Added ability to set blend modes per material
Added ability to set texture options for chroma and no detail reduction.

Known issues

– AI will fail to line up for FCY
– Formation lap speeds are capped too low, so if the grid gets pulled too far apart, the back will fail to catch up in time
– AI aren’t particularly good at evading cars parked on track and will slow down considerably, sometimes just lining up behind them
– AI behaves badly when there is a large performance delta between cars
– Auto Shifting on the FE Gen 3 will not shift out of neutral

Track changes:

Brands Hatch v1.05

– Fixed Rear Paddock Garage 8 no 3 not leaving pits on Indy Layout.

Croft v1.07

– Minor cut corridors adjustments
– Minor adjustment to ai at pit exit
– Fixed camera clipping

Sebring v1.59

– Reviewed track limits at pit entry and pit exit

Berlin v1.37

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed
– Minor Terrain Gaps fixed

Hong Kong v1.93

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed

London FE v1.07

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed

New York FE v1.31

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed
– Minor AIW tweaks
– Fixed start light casing not visible on lower detail settings
– Fixed minor issues with Brake marker materails

Rome FE v1.25

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed
– Minor AIW tweaks
– Fixed inverted digital flag mapping

Saudi FE v1.15

– FE 2023 Branding Updates
– Track Limits Reviewed

Electric Docks v2.38

– Minor AIW tweaks
– Fixed various LOD issues

Car changes:

Brabham BT44 v2.64

– General visual update
– Updated backfire animation
– Fixed drivers toes sticking out of car

McLaren M23 v1.53

– General visual update

March 761 v2.12

– General visual update

Dallara IR18 v1.73

– Stopped Push To Pass disabling when crossing start/finish line
– Made it so Push To Pass could only be activated after the first lap of the race

Vandervell Vanwall LMH v1.29

– Less rear downforce
– More front downfoce
– More drag
– Braking torque to match brake bias 60%
– Updated body decals to 2023 version
– Renamed tires, soft cold, soft hard. Same tires, but different operating windows
– Medium tires are a little harder, and -1.5% grip
– Tire grip and downforce adjusted to match real data
– Removed tire warmers
– Drag/Power adjusted to match real data
– Lowered tire thermal degradation

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Back from the ashes since July, 2019. First created in 2001 with the merger of Legends Central (founded 1999) and simracing.dk.

A site by a sort of sim racer, for sim racers, about racing sims. News and information on both modern and historic sim racing software titles.

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