
As a direct ancestor of iRacing, the ‘Grand Prix Legends engine’ had multiple stock car racing false starts, before eventually releasing as NASCAR Racing 4. The original NASCAR 3, cancelled and replaced by one that used NASCAR 2’s engine, is barely remembered.

Video game development is full of names that have made groundbreaking steps you’ve never even heard about. Shawn Nash is a behind-the-scenes pioneer responsible for SODA Off Road Racing’s incredible physics, Papyrus’ graphical advancements and iRacing’s use of laser scan data for the physical track surfaces.

This interview with RSC, published in 2021, details his early life and career, through both his own company, Papyrus, Electronic Arts, to his time at iRacing.


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Papyrus have today released a demo for IndyCar Racing 2 on the Mac on a coverdisk for Inside Mac Games magazine. The demo includes two tracks (Detroit, Michigan).

The demo is 2.83MB and can be downloaded here.

The release version is expected before the end of the year.

Demo Readme:

IndyCar Racing II Ver. 1.0.0d14 (IMG Preview Version)


Memory – This demo requires a minimum of 4,400K of available memory.
It is recommended that you have 5,120K. You can check
available memory by selecting “About this MacIntosh” from the
Apple menu. If the largest unused block of memory is less
than 5,120K, you may have difficulty running IndyCar II.
Here are several ways to increase your available memory.

1) Disable unnecessary extensions.
– unprotect your system folder by choosing general
controls from the control panels folder and make sure
the “protect system folder” box is not checked.
– choose the extensions manager folder from the Control
Panel and uncheck any unnecessary extensions. (DO NOT
uncheck Sound Manager).
– remove all unnecessary startup applications from the
Startup Items folder.
– RESTART you computer to put these changes into effect.

2) Enabling Virtual Memory (may decrease performance)
– Open the memory control panel within the Control Panels
folder of the system folder.
– Turn virtual memory ON.
– RESTART you computer to put these changes into effect.
– If available memory is still less than 5,120K, you may
still try to run the demo.

Driving with the mouse – note the cursor’s position on the screen.
Steering – to steer left or right move the cursor to the left or right
of the screen. You should see the front tires move accordingly.
Acceleration – to accelerate move the cursor toward the top of the screen.
Full-throttle is achieved when the cursor is at the top
edge of the screen.
Reverse – to drive in reverse move the cursor toward the bottom of the
Braking – to brake, press and hold down the mouse button.

If you find driving with the mouse to be difficult, try adjusting MOUSE
sensitivity in your computer’s SYSTEM FOLDER.

Joystick – not available in demo, but will be supported in the game;
which will be released November 95.

Improving your frame-rate
In the lower left corner of the screen is a frame rate indicator which
displays in frames per second. Low frame rates are around 5, high rates
are over 20. Satisfactory rates are around 9, but this is subjective.

Make sure the new Sound Manager 3.1 is installed. The new Sound Manager
is 9 times faster than the old one. Installing this will increase the
speed of all of your sound intensive applications.

Turning sound off will also increase the frame-rate because your computer
can use the extra time to draw. To turn sound off, select OPTIONS – SOUND
and reduce the master volume control to zero (0). The indicator above the
master volume control must read zero in order to gain ANY improvement.

Screen Resolution – 3 screen resolutions are available, to set the
resolution choose OPTIONS – GRAPHICS – ADVANCED.

High-resolution 640 x 480: while this provides the finest detail, the
frame rate will be the slowest.

Medium-resolution 640 x 400: this is faster than high-resolution, but
slower than low-resolution.

Low-resolution 320 x 200: offers the fastest frame-rate but has
less graphic detail and runs in a small window.

Screen Colors – make sure to have 256 color mode set in your Monitors
control panel.

Graphic Detail – controlled by number keys 1-9. Pressing the number keys
while driving toggles the associated option. The more options you turn off,
the faster the frame-rate. These options can also be controlled
from the OPTIONS – GRAPHICS dialog box.

1 Grass detail – On/Off/Auto
2 Asphalt detail – On/Off/Auto
3 Objects – On/Off/Auto/None
4 Crowd – On/Off/Auto
5 Wall detail – On/Off/Auto
6 Horizon – On/Off/Auto
7 Car detail – On/Off/Auto
8 Smoke/Dirt – On/Off/Auto
9 Skid/Paint Marks – On/Off/Auto

Miscellaneous Features:
Shift+R – Restarts the current session.
P – Pauses game.
Option+B – Auto-braking
F10 – 2 Arcade, 1 cockpit view.
Pitting – to activate your pit crew you must drive into the pit, align your
car with your crew and hold the brake.

INDYCAR RACING II is available in the 4th Quarter 1995
at your local software retail store or order direct:
1-800-836-1829 ext. MAC

IndyCar and the helmet logo are trademarks of The Indianapolis Motor
Speedway Corporation, under exclusive license to Championship Auto
Racing Teams, Inc.

Mac and the Mac OS logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

Michigan International Speedway is a registered trademark of
Penske Corporation, AC Delco is a registered trademark of
Delco Electronics Corp. Division, General Motors Corporation.
Alumax is a trademark of Alumax Aluminum, Inc. Chevrolet, the bow
tie emblem are trademarks of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General
Motors Corporation and used with permission to Papyrus Design Group,
Inc. Goodyear (& winged foot design) and Eagle are trademarks
of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., reproduced by permission,
Monroe is a trademark of Monroe Auto Equipment Co., subsidiary of
Tenneco Inc. PPG and the PPG emblem are registered trademarks of
PPG Industries, Inc. and used under license by Papyrus Design Group,
Inc. PEPSI and Pepsi emblem are registered trademarks of PepsiCo,
Inc. Pontiac, Pontiac “Arrowhead” emblem are trademarks of
General Motors Corporation used under license to Papyrus Design
Group, Inc.

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Back from the ashes since July, 2019. First created in 2001 with the merger of Legends Central (founded 1999) and simracing.dk.

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