Video game development is full of names that have made groundbreaking steps you’ve never even heard about. Shawn Nash is a behind-the-scenes pioneer responsible for SODA Off Road Racing’s incredible physics, Papyrus’ graphical advancements and iRacing’s use of laser scan data for the physical track surfaces.
This interview with RSC, published in 2021, details his early life and career, through both his own company, Papyrus, Electronic Arts, to his time at iRacing.
Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.
The recently released Automobilista 2 v1.0.2.0 update brings two Classic Grand Prix cars, many improvements and fixes as well as with the release of the new Silverstone Pack DLC.
The Silverstone DLC – much like the Hockenheim DLC – features many versions of the track. Silverstone 1975, 1991, 2001 and 2020 layouts are included and they all vary quite a bit in terms of how they drive, especially in the period cars available in AMS2.
FULL V1.0.1.2 -> V1.0.2.0 CHANGELOG:
Added F-V10 Gen1 class
Added Lotus 49C, Brabham BT26A to F-Vintage Gen2 series
Released Silverstone Pack featuring 2020, 2001, 1991 & 1975 versions (DLC package)GAMEPLAY
Championship mode: Added Frontend standings table; Added race length scaling option; Added progress reset option; Fixed bug ensuring player vehicle respects championship configuration.
Added new track limit penalty system- no more slowdown penalties (except to give back positions), driver has a customizable number of track limit violations before being awarded a drive-thru penalty
Added penalty tolerance logic for when the cut occurs over grass/gravel or occurs after a contact with another vehicle
Decreased the distance in which a track limit violation invalidates the next lap
Track limit rules made standard for all racing sessions (whether single or multiplayer) for better consistencyUI & HUD
Added Brazilian-PT localization (Beta)
Fixed some situations where Championship was incorrectly identified as a Career championship
Added UI Pit Strategy screens (access via Setup screen)
Added Vehicle List switch option to Vehicle Selection page.
Fixed Time Trial info unit still showing old style in Minimal mode
Multiplayer chatbox now logs all messages over the session
Removed the fade delay from “Give back Position” HUD message so it disappears instantly when position is returnedPHYSICS
Reduced tyre speed effects on adhesive friction for all slick tires
Increased longitudinal slip (and reduced understeer as a result) for f-Retro, F-Vintage, Opala 1986 tyres
Adjusted F-Vintage Gen2 tyre width, diameter & gear ratios to match new official cars
Reduced engine inertia on all MRX engines
Adjusted front splitter pitch sensitivity for prototypes, GTs
Minor aerodynamical revisions for AJR, Stock 2020
F-Ultimate: Adjusted ERS charging & deployment properties (higher throttle threshold, more charging from full brakes) to minimise chances of battery running out over 1st laps
Adjusted car body friction & restitution (slightly less jerky when coming into contact with other cars)
Fixed Copa Classic CTD from missing wet compound tyre
Fixed Camaro SS 6th gear ratioAI
Removed all “artificial” AI functions affecting their behavior in racing situations (minimises unpredictable reactions)
First-lap decision making on 1st lap introduced in v1.0.1.0 now applies to all race laps
Fixed AI tendency to put wheels on the grass on straights for no apparent reason during lap 1
Added initial version AI defensive driving logic (very subtle on this release to minimise potential issues)
Further AI refinements to reduce likelihood of accidents on lap 1, including logic for AI to be more careful when rejoining the track after going off
Adjusted DRS activation speeds for AI for Sigma P1 & AJR cars equipped with the device
Minor AI Grip tuning for Cascais, Hockenheim
Improved pitlane merge to main path at Hockenheim GP / NationalAUDIO
Super V8: Muted PitLimiter sound for now until further code adjustmentsTRACKS
Hockenheim 2020: Slightly relaxed high frequency road surface noise for a less bouncy rideVEHICLES
Added F-Classic suspension animations & adjusted driver animations (all models)
Fixed F-Trainer driver hands position in 3rd person view
Stock Car Cruze 2020: Fixed chassis visual glitch
Camaro SS: Corrected mirror position
ARC Camaro: Fixed visual glitch on liveries 3,4,98,99
Puma P052: Corrected display RPM and Speed readings
Chevette: Windscreen reflection reduced
Stock Car Cruze, Corlla 2020: Added dynamic dirt & damage
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