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Header image from Assetto Corsa 1.

Within the same press release (quoted below) that they announced the 2024 GT World Challenge pack for Assetto Corsa Competizione 505 Games and their parent company, Digital Bros, also announced that Assetto Corsa 2 has been pushed back to release in Summer, 2024.

Initially mentioned back in 2021 AC2 was first scheduled for Spring release, but is now scheduled for Summer. Perhaps the most important bit of information, however, is that this is our first mention of “Early Access on Steam” – and therefore confirms that AC2 will not be a “finished” product even with the delay.

Press release:


Milan, November 4th, 2023 – Digital Bros Group (DIB:MI), videogames company listed on the Euronext STAR Milan (ISIN: IT0001469995) and part of the FTSE Italia Small Cap index and Euronext Tech Leaders, announces the release of the Season 2024 GT World Challenge pack for Assetto Corsa Competizione, which will include the license for the legendary Nürburgring 24 Hours circuit. The launch of the DLC pack is scheduled for Spring 2024.

First launched in 2014, Assetto Corsa is a car racing simulator, developed by the fully owned studio Kunos Simulazioni S.r.l.. Assetto Corsa Competizione first launched in 2018 and was chosen as the official Fanatec GT World Challenge videogame and the official videogame of FIA Motorsport Games Esport Tournament.

Since launch, the Assetto Corsa franchise has generated revenues exceeding Euro 115 million with over 8 million copies sold, with a loyal community supporting the game for almost a decade.

Following the debut of the Fanatec GT World Challenge at the Nürburgring 24 Hours race, the legendary German circuit will be featured in the next 2024 pack of the video game. The racing circuit is famous for its technical complexity with steep elevation changes and blind corners, a real challenge even for the most skilled drivers.

The team at Kunos Simulations is completing the development of the new DLC for PC and consoles and, for that purpose, the next version of Assetto Corsa will be postponed. The Early Access on Steam for Assetto Corsa 2 is then scheduled for Summer 2024.

Digital Bros management estimates that this change in the release schedule will not have any significant effect on the business outlook of the Group for this fiscal year.

Listed on the Euronext STAR Milan and part of Euronext Tech Leaders, Digital Bros Group (ISIN IT0001469995) is a global company that has been operating since 1989 as a developer, publisher and distributor of video games through its brand 505 Games. The Group markets its contents on both retail and digital channels. Digital Bros Group is active around the world through its own direct operations in Italy, United States, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, China, Japan, Australia and Canada with 430 employees.

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