Video game development is full of names that have made groundbreaking steps you’ve never even heard about. Shawn Nash is a behind-the-scenes pioneer responsible for SODA Off Road Racing’s incredible physics, Papyrus’ graphical advancements and iRacing’s use of laser scan data for the physical track surfaces.
This interview with RSC, published in 2021, details his early life and career, through both his own company, Papyrus, Electronic Arts, to his time at iRacing.
Better known today as the developer of Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda once had a well-respected racing game franchise and were deep into development of a licensed Skip Barber Racing title that never released.
The release thread for Reiza’s 1.2 update now includes posts noting v1.2.0.1 and v1.2.0.2.
Reverted timed races to end without extra lap (will be added as an optional in a complementary update)
Fixed various incorrect/missing help texts
Added GTE/DPI to vehicle select category filters
Corrected various vehicle information errors
Adjusted wet road volume; Wet skid & scrub kick in points moved earlier, blend with dry sound shortened.
Minor Nurburgring art pass, correcting various LOD issues
Long Beach: Updated trackside cameras
Further adjustments to wet road roll sound.
Added pitlane cones to Laguna Seca
Fixed a CTD issue on game launch if a championship save game with a DLC player car exists
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